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February 28, 2018 Flood Monitoring Update

By February 28, 2018

TRWD flood monitoring staff continues to monitor reservoir conditions 24 hours a day. There is rainfall in the forecast for today.  Flood monitoring staff is closely watching these storms for any impact to the District reservoirs.  The latest update of the conditions at the District reservoirs is as follows:

  • Lake Bridgeport and Richland-Chambers Reservoir are not expected to reach conservation level at this time.
  • Eagle Mountain Lake has crested. However, additional rainfall today may raise the reservoir level above the current level.  Controlled discharges are ongoing.  These discharges are approximately 500 cfs.
  • Cedar Creek Reservoir remains above conservation level. However, the reservoir level continues to recede with the ongoing controlled discharges.  These controlled discharges will continue until the reservoir level nears conservation.
  • Reservoir levels and inflows will continue to be monitored to maintain the reservoirs at a safe operating level.

Please call the Flood Hotline for further information.


If prompted to leave a message, the flood monitor on duty will return your call within 30 minutes


Post based on conditions as of Feb. 28, 2018, at 8:00 AM

Lake Current Level Conservation Level* Level Difference**
Arlington 548.08 550.00 -1.92
Benbrook 689.51 694.00 -4.49
Bridgeport 827.15 836.00 -8.85
Cedar Creek 319.28 322.00 -2.72
Eagle Mountain 644.55 649.10 -4.55
Lake Worth 591.51 594.00 -2.49
Richland-Chambers 313.35 315.00 -1.65
*Conservation Level: The permitted level of water an entity is allowed to hold in a lake. Any amount above the conservation level is used for the temporary storage of flood waters and must be released downstream.
**Difference: Amount above or below conservation level.
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