Bids / Vendors


Eagle Mountain Park

Twin Points Park

Water Quality

Water Supply / Lake Levels

Notice to Purchaser Information

Open Records Request

Trinity Trails

Bids / Vendors

I'm interested in becoming a TRWD vendor. Where do I start?

Please register your business at our Vendors page or directly at our vendor portal. After registration is complete you will be notified about opportunities with TRWD.

Where are your RFPs and bids posted?

Opportunities with TRWD can be found at our Vendors page and www.civcastusa.com.

Does TRWD have a diverse business policy?

Yes. You can view the entire policy here.

Where can I find contact information for your purchasing department?

Contact information is available at our Vendors page on the bottom of the page.


Where do I find and apply for open positions?
You can find all of our open positions at the bottom of our Careers page on our website. Click on the position you are interested in applying for and you will be taken to the description of the position and the application link.
What kind of jobs does TRWD typically hire for?
At Tarrant Regional Water District, we typically hire for a wide variety of positions, including Field Operations, Accounting, Administrative, Environmental, Engineering, Information Technology, and Law Enforcement.
How long does it take to complete the application process?
Our quick and easy resume-based application allows you to submit a resume, cover letter, and other application-related documents in one easy step. If you do not have a resume to upload, click here to access our classic employment application.
How do I know if I am qualified for a particular job?
The required skills and qualifications for each position are listed and displayed in the qualifications/requirements section of each job description.
How do I know if a position is still open?
If the position remains posted on our website, we are still accepting and reviewing applications.
How can I be sure my application was successfully submitted?
If you submit your application electronically, you will receive an automated email response informing you of your successful application submission.
How long will it take for a response from TRWD?
Typically, our response time to your electronically submitted application will take 24 to 48 hours.
Will I be notified if my application is not selected?
Yes. To ensure you have a positive applicant experience, all candidates will be notified regarding the status of their application.
If my application is selected, what is the next step?
The recruiter and/or hiring manager will contact you to schedule a phone, virtual or onsite interview.
Are virtual interviews an option?
Yes, TRWD has implemented safe interview protocols that include the potential for virtual interviews.
Can I leave my resume on file, or do I have to apply for a specific job?
Our easy resume-based application process allows for a quick submission of your application for a specific job.
How often do you update your job postings?
Job postings are regularly and promptly updated as the recruiting needs change.
What should I do if I still have questions?
Please email us at careers@trwd.com with any questions you may have. One of TRWD’s recruiters will contact you regarding your inquiry.
Do I have to complete my application all at one time?
Yes. To ensure proper submission of your application, we recommend completing it all at one time.
Why was my application rejected?
Today’s job market is extremely competitive and we had other qualified candidates who were a better fit for this position. While you were not a fit for this position, that does not mean you would not be the right fit for another of our open positions. We encourage you to check our Careers page often for new opportunities.

Eagle Mountain Park

What hours are Eagle Mountain Park open to the public?

The park is open to the public from dawn to dusk, seven days a week.

Is there a fee to use the park?

No, however, if you want to host an event of 100 or more people, a permit is required and a fee might be assessed. Smaller gatherings are allowed without a permit, but please keep the public in mind Eagle Mountain Park is a shared recreational resource that serves our entire community. During your event, no part of the park or trails can be closed off in any way to accommodate your guests. Eagle Mountain Park is a first-come, first-serve public amenity.

Are motorized vehicles allowed in the park?

Personal motorized vehicles are prohibited. This includes ATVs, golf carts, motorcycles, etc.

Is camping allowed?

Neither camping or campfires are allowed in Eagle Mountain Park. The public is expected to leave the park by dusk each day.

What facilities are available in the park?

Port-a-lets, water fountains, trashcans and covered picnic tables are conveniently located at the entrance to the park; however, the trails themselves do not offer these amenities. Please plan to provide your own water and remember whatever you pack-in, you must pack-out.

Are dogs allowed on the trails?

In order to protect the wildlife that thrive in our trail system, dogs are not allowed. Designated service animals are allowed.

Is horseback riding allowed?

The trails at Eagle Mountain Park are not designed to support horseback riding; therefore, it is not permitted.

Are bicycles allowed on the trails?

It is not permitted. The trails at Eagle Mountain Park are not designed to support cycling.

Is fishing available from Eagle Mountain Park?

Fishing is allowed in and along the shore of the lake with a Fishing License from Texas Parks & Wildlife. Please take into consideration it is approximately a mile hike to the shoreline.

Is kayaking available from Eagle Mountain Park?

Kayaking is allowed, but not easily accessible.

For other nearby TRWD kayaking opportunities, visit www.twinpointspark.com and www.trinitytrailsfw.com/paddling.

Twin Points Park

For more information about Twin Points Park, please visit the Twin Points Park website where you can find park rules and other frequently asked questions.

Water Quality

What is the quality of our reservoirs?

Since the late 1980s, TRWD has been collecting water quality data from each reservoir, the major tributaries to each reservoir and some wastewater plants near the reservoir. Samples are typically taken quarterly, and the data is used to monitor the health of the water on a short-term and long-term scale. The reservoirs were built for water supply, and for that purpose, the water quality is in great shape. This chart shows the parameters that are monitored. Read the most recent water quality executive summary.

Is the water safe to swim in?

There is an inherent danger when swimming in a natural lake because of naturally occurring bacteria. TRWD routinely samples the reservoirs and Trinity River for E. coli bacteria. This data is used to assess the waters based on the standards set by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and approved by the US EPA. Our reservoirs have shown great compliance under the standard for contact recreation, but we know at times of flooding when the water is turbid from runoff, the potential for elevated bacteria is a concern. The Trinity River is much more susceptible to a change in water quality from a small rain than reservoirs. Users should exercise caution on the river after a local rain.

What causes tastes and/or odor changes in my drinking water?

TRWD does not treat water for drinking. The district delivers raw water to its customers’ water treatment plants and storage lakes in Tarrant County where the cities then treat the water and supply more than 2 million residents. Geosmin, an organic compound commonly found in Texas lakes during the winter months, causes the taste and odor changes. Geosmin is not harmful to your health but does have a distinct earthy flavor and aroma. Customer cities are aware of the change and treat for geosmin; however, there are times when they cannot fully remove it. The district also performs regular water quality monitoring and posts these reports monthly.

Are the fish safe to eat from the lakes and Trinity River?

There are no fish consumption advisories for any of the TRWD reservoirs. Lake Worth, which is managed by the City of Fort Worth, has an advisory posted for channel and blue catfish and smallmouth buffalo that extends up to the segment of the Trinity River between Lake Worth and Eagle Mountain Lake (ADV-45). The Clear Fork of the Trinity River below Lake Benbrook and West Fork of the Trinity below Lake Worth continuing downstream south of Dallas do have advisories posted warning of no consumption of any species of fish (ADV-43). Please visit the Texas Department of State Health Services for maps and the latest posting of fish consumption advisories.

What is PAM, the amoeba that can kill young swimmers?

Primary amoebic meningoencephalitis (PAM) is a rare and usually deadly disease caused by an amoeba, Naegleria fowleri. This microscopic animal is found worldwide and is rather common, but the infection is rare. The infection occurs when the amoeba enters the body through the nose. This occurs when an individual is swimming or diving. The amoeba then travels to the brain and destroys the organ. Although the risk of contracting this disease is rare, some prevention is worth practicing when swimming in any natural body of water, including TRWD lakes and the Trinity River.

  • Avoid swimming in coves that are isolated from the main body of the reservoir
  • Avoid swimming when the water is really warm
  • Hold your nose or wear nose plugs when diving or jumping into the water
  • Avoid digging or stirring up sediment when swimming in shallow water areas

TRWD tests all the reservoirs and the river regularly for a bacteria, E. coli, that is an indicator of polluted water. While this test is not for Naegleria fowleri specifically, TRWD does not feel contact recreation is a significant problem. To whatever small degree, the risk of infection does exist and individuals wishing to use the reservoirs or the river should consider all risks involved. Click here to learn more from the CDC.

Water Supply / Lake Levels

Where does Tarrant County's water come from?

During a typical year, 80 to 85 percent of the water TRWD provides to its primary wholesale customers comes from Cedar Creek and Richland-Chambers lakes. The other 15 to 20 percent comes from Lake Bridgeport, Eagle Mountain Lake and Benbrook Lake. (Benbrook Lake is managed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers).

What does conservation level mean?

The amount of water an entity can impound at a reservoir under its Water Rights Permit. Once a reservoir fills its conservation pool, any water above that level must be discharged unless the water is being temporarily stored for routing flood waters.

Conservation Levels for TRWD Lakes:
  • Richland-Chambers 315.0
  • Bridgeport 836.0
  • Eagle Mountain 649.1
  • Cedar Creek 322.0
Conservation Levels for TRWD Lakes:
  • Arlington 550.0
  • Benbrook 694.0
  • Lake Worth 594.0
Does TRWD post information about water levels and pumping changes? 

Yes. TRWD posts this information daily. TRWD’s Daily Report is updated every 24 hours and lists the following data for TRWD lakes as well as Benbrook Lake, Lake Arlington and Lake Worth: Conservation Level, Lake Level, Change in Lake Level, Pumpage from Lake, Pumpage into Lake, Flood Discharge, Water Release and Evaporation.

But we have a reliable water supply, why should I protect/conserve water?

Water supplies are strained by growing populations and increasing demand. Each year, Texans spend more than $1 billion dollars on new or expanded water supply and wastewater treatment facilities. Water conservation not only saves money on your monthly water bill, it also minimizes future water shortages and costs. The district manages two water conservation campaigns: Save Tarrant Water and Water is Awesome.

Notice to Purchaser Information

TRWD is not subject to the Notice to Purchaser requirements of Section 49.452 of the Texas Water Code for real estate transactions within its boundaries. The District does not provide services to household or commercial users and does not currently have any outstanding general obligation debt to provide those types of services. TRWD’s tax rate is $0.0267 on each $100 of assessed valuation. The total amount of bonds, excluding refunding bonds and any bonds or any portion of bonds issued that are payable solely from revenues received or expected to be received under a contract with a governmental entity, approved by the voters and which have been or may, at this date, be issued is $250,000,000, and the aggregate initial principal amounts of all bonds issued for one or more of the specified facilities of TRWD and payable in whole or in part from property taxes is $48,940,000. TRWD has not adopted or imposed a standby fee on property in its jurisdiction. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE INFORMATION SHOWN ABOVE IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE BY TRWD AT ANY TIME.

Open Records Request

According to Section 49.452 of the Texas Water Code, TRWD is not required to provide a Notice to Purchaser for real estate transactions within its boundaries. The District does not provide services to household or commercial users, and does not currently have any outstanding general obligation debt to provide those services.

How to Request Open Records

To request open records from the Tarrant Regional Water District (TRWD), visit our Open Records Request portal or submit by mail or fax. Provide a detailed description of the records requested and include the name, address, and a daytime telephone number of the person making the request. Requests submitted after 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday will be considered as received on the next business day. Requests submitted after 4:30 p.m. on Friday will be considered as received on the next business day. The District no longer accepts PIA requests via fax.

By Mail: TRWD, Attn: Open Records Request

800 E. Northside Drive Fort Worth, Texas 76102

What you need to know about Open Records Requests

Information taken from the Office of the Attorney General website

Your request must be in writing. Only written requests trigger a governmental body’s obligation under the Public Information Act.

Your request should be for records that are already in existence. Governmental bodies are not required to answer questions, perform legal research, or comply with a continuing request to supply information on a periodic basis as such information is prepared in the future.

The Public Information Act allows governmental bodies to set a charge for providing copies of public records.

What Requestors can expect

The governmental body must “promptly” produce public records in response to your request.  “Promptly” means that a governmental body may take a reasonable amount of time to produce the records, which varies depending on the facts in each case.  The amount of records you have requested is highly relevant to what makes a reasonable response time. Please note that TRWD is required to give a response to written requests for records within ten business days.  This response may range from providing the requested records, seeking clarification of the request, certifying to a date that the records could be produced or seeking an Attorney General opinion. If clarification is sought, please note that a request for information is considered withdrawn if the requestor does not respond in writing to the District’s written request for clarification or additional information within 61 days.

The Public Information Act prohibits the governmental body from asking why you want the records you have requested. The governmental body may, however, ask you to clarify the request if it is uncertain as to what you want, and it may discuss with you how the scope of your request may be narrowed if you have requested a large amount of information.

If the governmental body wishes to withhold any of the information requested, it must:

Seek an attorney general decision within ten business days of its receipt of the request and state the exceptions to disclosure that it believes are applicable. The governmental body must also send you a copy of its letter to the attorney general requesting a decision within ten business days. If the governmental body does not notify you of its request for an attorney general decision, the records you requested are generally presumed to be open to the public.

Within 15 business days of receiving your request, the governmental body must send the attorney general its arguments for withholding the requested information and copies of the records that were requested.  You are entitled to receive this notice; however, if the letter to the attorney general contains the substance of the information requested, you may receive a redacted copy of the letter. If the governmental body does not timely request an attorney general decision, notify you that it is seeking an attorney general decision, and submit to the attorney general the records you requested the record is generally presumed to be open to the public.

If an attorney general decision has been requested, you may submit your written comments to the attorney general stating any facts you want the Open Records Division to consider.

Trinity Trails

For more information about the Trinity Trails, please visit the Trinity Trails website where you can view frequently asked questions about the Trinity Trails.