Why is there a property tax rate?

Tarrant Regional Water District (TRWD) is tasked with providing vital flood protection that protects hundreds of thousands of lives and billions in property throughout Fort Worth. The property taxes collected allow TRWD to construct and maintain infrastructure, including the 27-mile federal floodway levees stretching through much of Fort Worth

Who sets the rate?

The tax rate is approved by the TRWD Board of Directors each September.

How does TRWD use these funds?

TRWD’s tax rate is used to support the District’s General Fund, which includes our flood protection and levee maintenance efforts. Visit current TRWD Funding to see how TRWD’s other functions are funded.

What is the current tax rate?

The approved 2023 tax rate is 0.0267 per $100 valuation, which is less than the 2022 tax rate of 0.0269 per $100 valuation.

“OK, so how does this affect me?”

The tax on the average residential home value in 2022 was $64.17 per year, which was about 1% of the total tax bill. The Board of Directors has voted to adopt a lower tax rate of $0.0267 at the September 19, 2023 Board meeting. At this lowered tax rate, the average home value’s tax bill would increase by less than $10 annually.