IPL Project

Why is TRWD building the Integrated Pipeline (IPL) Project?

The water we use in our daily routines comes from a series of reservoirs scattered across the region. In fact, the two lakes that supply Tarrant County with most of its water – Cedar Creek and Richland-Chambers – are located in East Texas. Huge pipelines are used to bring water to places we need it. But over the decades, the metroplex has grown and with it the demand for more water. The number of households, businesses and people drinking from those lines has grown, too. At some point, our current two pipelines won’t be enough. The IPL offers a solution by allowing access to Lake Palestine, which will be used to supply City of Dallas customers as well as access to more water in Cedar Creek and Richland-Chambers. The IPL gives TRWD and Dallas Water Utilities the ability to bring an additional 350 million gallons per day into the metroplex. Plus it provides a way for the district to bring additional supplies from two water reuse projects in East Texas.

How much is IPL going to cost?

$2.3 billion, but those costs are being shared by TRWD and Dallas Water Utilities, and building one pipeline together instead of two separate lines actually adds up to approximately $1 billion in savings.

TRWD and DWU are teaming together on the IPL, but who pays for what and how will the water supply be separated?

Since Lake Palestine is located further east than TRWD water supply reservoirs, Dallas Water Utilities (DWU) is paying the additional cost to make that connection. The cost to build other sections, the ones shared by DWU and TRWD, will be covered by both entities. And the final locations, places where the water begins its solo journey into Dallas or Tarrant County, will be the responsibility of the agency receiving the water. Though some of these costs are shared, the water in the system remains separate.

Does the IPL provide additional reliability to our system?

Yes, the pipeline is located along a separate path than TRWD’s existing pipelines and operates in a whole different electric grid. TRWD takes the responsibility of managing and operating a reliable system very seriously and understands the importance of providing a reliable water supply to its customers.

When will the IPL be completed?

The first phase of the project is scheduled for completion by 2018. As the district continues to monitor water demands, new sections of pipeline won’t be added to the IPL until they are needed. This gives the district time to pay down debt, which adds up to huge savings. The IPL is expected to be operational by 2021.

Lake Current Level Conservation Level* Level Difference**
Arlington 542.55 550.00 -7.45
Benbrook 690.66 694.00 -3.34
Bridgeport 823.57 836.00 -12.43
Cedar Creek 318.89 322.00 -3.11
Eagle Mountain 642.34 649.10 -6.76
Lake Worth 590.50 594.00 -3.50
Richland-Chambers 313.19 315.00 -1.81
*Conservation Level: The permitted level of water an entity is allowed to hold in a lake. Any amount above the conservation level is used for the temporary storage of flood waters and must be released downstream.
**Difference: Amount above or below conservation level.
For more information read our daily reports or the TRWD Lake Level Blog.

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