Eagle Mountain Park

What hours are Eagle Mountain Park open to the public?

The park is open to the public from dawn to dusk, seven days a week.

Is there a fee to use the park?

No, however, if you want to host an event of 100 or more people, a permit is required and a fee might be assessed. Smaller gatherings are allowed without a permit, but please keep the public in mind Eagle Mountain Park is a shared recreational resource that serves our entire community. During your event, no part of the park or trails can be closed off in any way to accommodate your guests. Eagle Mountain Park is a first-come, first-serve public amenity.

Are motorized vehicles allowed in the park?

Personal motorized vehicles are prohibited. This includes ATVs, golf carts, motorcycles, etc.

Is camping allowed?

Neither camping or campfires are allowed in Eagle Mountain Park. The public is expected to leave the park by dusk each day.

What facilities are available in the park?

Port-a-lets, water fountains, trashcans and covered picnic tables are conveniently located at the entrance to the park; however, the trails themselves do not offer these amenities. Please plan to provide your own water and remember whatever you pack-in, you must pack-out.

Are dogs allowed on the trails?

In order to protect the wildlife that thrive in our trail system, dogs are not allowed. Designated service animals are allowed.

Is horseback riding allowed?

The trails at Eagle Mountain Park are not designed to support horseback riding; therefore, it is not permitted.

Are bicycles allowed on the trails?

It is not permitted. The trails at Eagle Mountain Park are not designed to support cycling.

Is fishing available from Eagle Mountain Park?

Fishing is allowed in and along the shore of the lake with a Fishing License from Texas Parks & Wildlife. Please take into consideration it is approximately a mile hike to the shoreline.

Is kayaking available from Eagle Mountain Park?

Kayaking is allowed, but not easily accessible.

For other nearby TRWD kayaking opportunities, visit www.twinpointspark.com and

Lake Current Level Conservation Level* Level Difference**
Arlington 549.76 550.00 -0.24
Benbrook 691.61 694.00 -2.39
Bridgeport 827.12 836.00 -8.88
Cedar Creek 321.63 322.00 -0.37
Eagle Mountain 644.53 649.10 -4.57
Lake Worth 591.64 594.00 -2.36
Richland-Chambers 315.05 315.00 0.05
*Conservation Level: The permitted level of water an entity is allowed to hold in a lake. Any amount above the conservation level is used for the temporary storage of flood waters and must be released downstream.
**Difference: Amount above or below conservation level.
For more information read our daily reports or the TRWD Lake Level Blog.

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