Woody Frossard got a medal from the U.S. Army – and he didn’t even have to put on a uniform to get it.
Frossard, former Project Manager for the Central City flood control project for the Tarrant Regional Water District, was given a Public Service Commendation Medal for his work on the $2.4 billion federal project.
The fourth highest public service decoration the Army can give a citizen, Frossard is only the third civilian to be presented with this coveted medal by the Fort Worth District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Frossard, who also served as TRWD’s Environmental Division director, worked closely with the USACE on Central City for twenty years. This award recognizes his work in helping the USACE accomplish its mission.
The citation thanks him for his “selfless effort and unwavering support”
“Your outstanding effort as the Environmental Services Director and the Program Director of the Modified Central City Project at the Tarrant Regional Water District has greatly contributed to progressing the restoration of the design level of flood protection to the existing system and creating a urban waterfront that spurs economic development of a depressed area by utilizing the realigned channel along the Clear and West Forks of the Trinity River,” the citation reads.
Frossard said he was “very humbled and surprised” to be given the award.
“I was pretty amazed to be honest,” he said.
Frossard said he’s been involved with the Central City project since 2003, starting with the initial and crucial environmental impact statements that were needed to win the project its eventual approval.
Along the way, Frossard has overseen almost every other aspect of the project. He became the “go-to guy” for information on Central City, within the TRWD and even the USACE itself.
In July, Frossard slipped into semi-retirement after working at TRWD for about 44 years. He’s now the TRWD’s regulatory and project advisor on Central City.
“This is a nice way to wrap up my career and ease into retirement.”